Our amazing new site will launch in

Outlook Express Lookeen Backup Manager *Give Away*

Are you using Outlook for business or any other means of work, such as storing very highly important information? Then you might want to backup those very important documents! Considering you are putting your files at risk. Choosing to back up and save your file will have a very effective impact on you and your work place. Losing those files in most cases means losing your job, so it very important to get and install a program that automatically backup your information. Computers always crash even mines, so I recommend using Lookeen Backup Manager it works with Outlook 2000, 2003, 2007 and 2010 together with Windows 2000, XP, Vista and Windows 7.

Lookeen Backup Manager
With Lookeen Backup Manager you can help protect from accidental information loss, the sooner you start using it the sooner you are protected. Lookeen Backup Manager can archives your emails, contacts, tasks, notes, rules, email accounts, signatures and browser favorites (IE, Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome) as well as your Business Contact Manager data banks.

User Friendly (Easily Manage & Back Up)
This program guides you every single step, you decide yourself, which files will be backed up to what extent and if they'll be password protected. Even transfer a complete copy of an Outlook profile on to a different computer. Learn More!



Kill Time On The Internet The Free Way

So whats the best way to waste time online, bored, do you think their isn't anything else online that can be fun. Well it's not the end of the internet yet, there are still tons of things to do on the internet. Here we've complied the best websites to play games and or watch cool flash videos over the internet. Browse through the collection and tell us what we're missing in the comment form below.

Clock Busters

Very, very, interesting game; See the clues, guess the movie. And if time runs out? KABOOM. That’s what happens when you pack a web site full of so many affordable images (like the ones used to create the game). Keep playing until you guess all 50 movies. Skip hard ones and get them on the next pass. Or close the window, take a break, and come back later – we’ll save your spot. When you’re done, check out everything else Veer.com has to offer. Images, fonts, merch, and free downloads. (Play~Game)


Make your own beatbox choir...Pump it up and chill! Love listening to great music, then Incredibox is for you. Incredibox is a interactive flash website which lets you create your own beatbox vocal group. Just set your vocals and set the effects, and in seconds you'll be listening to your custom beats. Mix things up to create something completely unique. (Play~Game)

Google Doodle's

Celebrating the 30th anniversary of Pac-Man, Google created the first-ever interactive and playable doodle, or custom home page logo.See Google Doodle's (Play~Game)

Katamari Hack

The name it self is weird already, but this cool little hack lets you tear up any website. Simple goto any webpage and paste the below javascript into any location bar, follow the direction and began your destruction. When you get a chance play the game on this website homepage! (Play~Game)

javascript:var i,s,ss=['http://kathack.com/js/kh.js','http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js'];for(i=0;i!=ss.length;i++){s=document.createElement('script');s.src=ss[i];document.body.appendChild(s);}void(0);


A collection of 36 clock to make one. Not a game but a cool functional clock, now im guessing you are wondering why a clock, trust me when you see this clock, you'll be amazed of it cool features. See JClockClock

Rock Paper Scissors

A truly random game of rock-paper-scissors would result in a statistical tie with each player winning, tying and losing one-third of the time. However, people are not truly random and thus can be studied and analyzed. While this computer won't win all rounds, over time it can exploit a person's tendencies and patterns to gain an advantage over its opponent. (Play~Game)

Water Life

The interactive story of the last great supply of fresh drinking water on Earth. OMG, Everything here is awesome, a cool unique documentary about the Great Lakes from Director Kevin McMahon. Click Here To View The Documentary.

This stunning ode to the last great supply of fresh water on earth, the Great Lakes, immerses us in their extraordinary beauty, ecological complexity, and extreme state of distress. Under assault on all fronts by a deadly combination of industrial toxins, sewage, invasive species, climate change, and profound apathy, they are on the verge of irreversible collapse. Director Kevin McMahon (recipient of the 2007 Hot Docs Focus On retrospective) navigates with fluid clarity through industrial intervention and natural splendor, from northern Lake Superior to the Atlantic Ocean, using breathtaking cinematography and CGI to show us the waters 35 million of us drink every day. Propelled by a soaring, evocative soundtrack, this eloquent poetic essay allows us to absorb hard information gracefully balanced with a visceral understanding of how we are inextricably linked to the fate of these waters, transforming the way we think and inspiring us act before it's too late. Via Polaris

Wild Mood Swing

The best way to swing your mood, play the appropriate game for your mood. It's a simple game: you select a mood from the pull-down list, click on 'take me away' and it'll whisk you away to an appropriate site. Each time you reload the page or click the shuffle moods link, the moods are sorted into a different order.

Hope You Enjoy This Cool Collection, Please Comment and Submit Any Other Cool Websites In The Comment. Thanks!

Best Customizations Windows 7

Before you continue with any of these tricks or hacks as we may call them please revert to this article to set up a restore point.

Change Windows 7 log-on screen
LogonStudio is a free program that allows users to change their Windows 7, Vista and XP logon screens. It comes with several logon screens to choose from, along with thousands that are available online from Web sites such as WinCustomize.com. Using this method means we don't have to edit or do anything in the registry editor, clean and simple.

Changing The Windows 7 Cursor
Stardock CursorFX is a program that lets you use and create incredibly cool looking Windows mouse cursors.

It does this by taking advantage of the new visual effects features of Windows XP and Windows Vista.

Adding a shadow under Windows XP and Vista was hardly a great advance and therefore CursorFX exists to give you more-much more.

CursorFX users can create and use cursors that look and feel far superior to anything you've ever seen before! Best of all, it's really easy to create your own super-charged cursors! It integrates into the standard Mouse interface of Windows and is easy to turn on and off as you need. Explorer More Cursor Here!

CAIRO - A customizable Windows.
Cairo puts the power in your hands. By allowing you to access music, pictures, PDFs and more directly from the desktop, you no longer need a separate file browser to open files. Taking the concept further, you no longer need a separate application to browse folders. Cairo allows users to browse or access directories with the Dynamic Desktop. Following the same principles as the Cairo Menu Bar, users are put in control of accessing files in ways never done before.

HomePage http://cairoshell.github.com/
Download http://cairoshell.github.com/download/

Below Are Some Screen Shots:


System Restore Windows 7 Vista Create Restore Point

Quickly before you mess around in that registry, there are tons of windows registry hacks on the internet but which ones really screw with your computer, especially if you're new to computers and the online world, we recommend backing up your computer, and setting a restore point, for your computer's sake back it up. It only takes one typed error to screw with your computer. This as well goes for applications and non verified publishers, some apps are even auto installed so be careful of what you're downloading.

Windows 7 / vista Restore Point

Open the Start Menu and right-click on Computer, and now select Properties.

You will now be located in the system area of your Control Panel. Click the System Protection link located to the left side.

Select the System Protection tab.

Click Create to create a new restore point. Give it a good name.

You're Done!

Best Top 10 Of Everything Created By EveryOne

Where can you get the best top 10 announcements about everything created by everyone? Top10 is a powerful social recommendation platform where you can get the best top 10 announcements about everything created by everyone, and recommend the stuff you love in a fun and easy manner, and share those recommendations with friends. Top10.co is where you get the best possible experience for creating, sharing and discovering recommendations, of the best top 10s created by everyone from around the world.

Top10.co is a place for everyone to talk about, discover and share the stuff we all love with the world. May it be the Top 10 of the follows, Top 10 Artists, Top 10 Bridges From Around The World, Top 10 Lady Gaga Outfits etc.

See The Launch Video

Google Chrome As PDF Reader

Looking for a cool simple PDF reader with out going through the hassle of installing multiple programs, Why not use Google chrome as your default PDF reader, yes you can use chrome to view PDF files, with its already built-in features, its simple and easy to use, you must have chrome installed on your computer. Also see Best Of YouTube Chrome Extension, Anonymous Browsing In Google Chrome, and Search Google Chrome By Voice Commands.

Using Google Chrome As PDF Reader ssmainhide
Right click any any PDF file and click Open with... see below image.

In The Browse Box copy and paste in the below code.
C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application
Click Chrome > Open > OK.
And You're Done!

Convert PDF To Word For Free And Vice Versa

Everyone knows there are many tools online to which converts PDF files to Word files, but where are the free ones. Anyone can find PDF-To-Word conversion software tools online, but what if you don't have the money right now, and you need to quickly create a conversion of that PDF file. You can also unlock password protected PDF/Excel files.

PDF-to-Word Conversion
Using PDF-to-Word conversion technology to quickly and easily create editable DOC/RTF files making it a cinch to re-use PDF content in applications like Microsoft Word, Excel, OpenOffice, and WordPerfect. Here is the list of free conversion programs i found in and around the internet for free. PDF-TO-WORD

1. Free PDF to Word Doc Converter v1.1
2. Free Word to PDF Converter
3. PDF to Excel Converter

please share any other free conversion software in the comments below it only takes a second!

Join HackShark A Community For WhiteHat Hackers

Trouble with security? Then why not join HackShark, a group and community of hackers always busy in hunting down cyber criminals. If you're very interested in the internet and also security technology and how pretty much everything in a computer works, then increase your white hat hacking skills. Also see 3 Recommend Sites To Learn More About Hacking?

HackShark - Secure Your Fence
HackShark is a community of white hat hackers, because information and security has become one of the most important concepts, it becomes essential to
protect and secure any and all critical information. Thankfully sites like HackShark can help us increase and protect our security. REGISTER HERE! HackShark even has a proxy!

HackShark Proxy
Because of many websites which tend to harm and log your IP address for improper use, HackShark even gives you the ability to browse the internet anonymous, helping you to protect your crucial information. An anonymous proxy hides this information from the web sites you visit.

Download All Web Apps Free One Source - All My Apps

Mac has a app store what about Windows? Windows now have a app store available, All My Apps, a windows application store makes it easy for windows users to search, download and install applications right to their windows machine. Their have never been an app store available for windows like this one. Get rid of the hassle of downloading place to place, and get all of your apps from one source. [Click Here] to see or last post on web apps.

All My Apps
All My Apps is idea for Windows users who recently reinstalling their version of windows and or upgraded to a new windows system. Keeping up with all new apps on the market can be difficult, knowing this, All My Apps make's it easy to discover and find all new apps available online. All My Apps providers users with a web interface and desktop tool, so its easy for user to quickly browse and install wanted apps.

These apps are correctly categorized under unique labels such as web, office, games, video and development. Create list once logged in to download and install in one setup. You can even go social with your favorite apps and share them on Facebook and Twitter.

Link: AllMyApps

All My Apps is best used to keep application as a back up and to stay updated on apps that matter to you.


You have heard the rage over the internet about Osama Bin Laden’s death, in social media and the world wide web. Nevertheless people wanted to know more info and see actual photos and videos of Osama's death. Thinking of this came new Facebook Scams, and more disappointments, Why not create a fake picture of Osama Bin Laden's, some descriptive detail, and one shot location to the head, this is why this is so believable.

Osama Dead - Censored Video Leaked
And The Message Reads!
Osama is dead, watch this exclusive CNN video which was censored by Obama Administration due to level of violence, a must watch. Leaked by Wikileaks.

Never believe everything you see on the internet, it's most likely its not true.

3 Optional End of Page Suggestion Slider’s “FB Like Box, YouTube Sub box, Translations Section”

Yes I'm back with more blogger customization hacks, the past couple of months I've been over at my friend blog http://www.wierdwalker.blogspot.com/ posting some guest post, not some but 1, but expect more to come from the future. So what are suggestion sliders, suggestion sliders are little unique sliders that can improved the function-ability and interactivity within your blog, adding these widgets can increase like's, subscriber count, and support foreign languages leading to more traffic from those areas. This is genius and makes your site more user friendly.

End of Page Suggestion Slider’s
The idea for the “End Of Page Suggestion Slider” is to make your content more accessible and help users quickly subscribe to your Facebook Fan pages, and or YouTube Channel. The Translation section is idea for other language barriers, letting them translate your site to any other language.
Working Demo Pages Below.
Facebook Demo : Link: *Scroll Down To See It In Action*
YouTube Subscribe Section Demo: Link: *http://news-story-seo.blogspot.com/*
Translation Section Demo: Link: *http://thesis-seo-theemolab.blogspot.com/*
Learn To Install One Of The Three Suggestion Sliders.

The Css Code:

1.Go to Design, continue to Edit HTML , check on Expand Widget Templates
2.Insert the below code right before ]]></b:skin>
#slidebox{ width:300px; height:130px; padding:10px; background-color:#fff; border-top:3px solid #000; position:fixed; bottom:0px; right:-430px;-moz-box-shadow:-2px 0px 5px #aaa;-webkit-box-shadow:-2px 0px 5px #aaa;box-shadow:-2px 0px 5px #aaa}#slidebox p,a.more{ font-size:11px; text-transform:uppercase; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; letter-spacing:1px; color:#555}a.more{ cursor:pointer; color:#E28409}a.more:hover{ text-decoration:underline}#slidebox h2{ color:#E28409; font-size:18px; margin:10px 20px 10px 0px}a.close{ background:transparent url(https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEh1wgKBBFD6KLWiAlJ1xUiAEoh9-4wuFENyWJOf__9A9b71c1c060My9K1gAG-k7RqIXTSI7gEf8-UZmwueNdeNxzVRZO0fuuFCP9drOeQ_HpGQDXVF_BaL1Sxx6msfK0e7tVKdl9SjkBE/s400/close.png) no-repeat top left;width:13px;height:13px;position:absolute;cursor:pointer;top:10px;right:10px}a.close:hover{background-position:0px -13px}

The JavaScript
Find the ]]></b:skin> tag and paste the below code just after.
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js"></script>

Page Element
Add a gadget “HTML/JavaScript” where you want the popup to begin and paste the below code into it and save it.
<p id="last"> </p>
My choice is located in the middle. When visitors scroll down, once they hit the middle section the slider starts. Experiment with this and you will understand and optimize your site for best results.
Now choose between Facebook like box, YouTube Subscribe Box and or the Translation Section.

Facebook Like Box Installation

Find the </body> tag and paste the below code just before it.
<div id='slidebox'><a class='close'/><p>Follow Us On Facebook!</p>

<iframe allowTransparency='true' frameborder='0' scrolling='no' src='http://www.facebook.com/plugins/likebox.php?href=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpages%2FTheEmoLab%2F162515220426188&amp;width=230&amp;colorscheme=light&amp;show_faces=false&amp;stream=false&amp;header=false&amp;height=62' style='border:none; overflow:hidden; width:230px; height:62px;'/>

</div> <span style='font-size: 50%;'>Created By:<a href='http://www.theemolab.com/'>TheEmoLab.Com</a></span>
<!-- The JavaScript -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(function() {
/* when reaching the element with id &quot;last&quot; we want to show the slidebox. Let&#39;s get the distance from the top to the element */
var distanceTop = $(&#39;#last&#39;).offset().top - $(window).height();

if ($(window).scrollTop() &gt; distanceTop)

/* remove the slidebox when clicking the cross */
$(&#39;#slidebox .close&#39;).bind(&#39;click&#39;,function(){

Replace everything in red with your Facebook Like Box.
You can generate your Facebook Like Box Code Via
Like Box – Facebook Developers
Link: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like-box/
UN-Check both Show Faces and Show Stream.

YouTube Subscribe Box Installation

Find the </body> tag and paste the below code just before it.

<div id='slidebox'><a class='close'/><p>Our YouTube Channel</p>
<center><iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/subscribe_widget?p=YOUR-YOUTUBE-USERNAME" style="overflow: hidden; height: 130px; width: 260px; border: 0;" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe></center>
</div> <span style='font-size: 50%;'>Created By:<a href='http://www.theemolab.com/'>TheEmoLab.Com</a></span>
<!-- The JavaScript -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(function() {
/* when reaching the element with id "last" we want to show the slidebox. Let's get the distance from the top to the element */
var distanceTop = $('#last').offset().top - $(window).height();

if ($(window).scrollTop() > distanceTop)

/* remove the slidebox when clicking the cross */
$('#slidebox .close').bind('click',function(){
Replace YOUR-YOUTUBE-USERNAME with your YouTube username.

Translation Section Installation

Find the </body> tag and paste the below code just before it.
<div id='slidebox'><a class='close'/><p>Translate This Blog!</p>
<center><div id='google_translate_element'/><script>
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
new google.translate.TranslateElement({
pageLanguage: &#39;en&#39;
}, &#39;google_translate_element&#39;);
</script><script src='//translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit'/></center>
</div> <span style='font-size: 50%;'>Created By:<a href='http://www.theemolab.com/'>TheEmoLab.Com</a></span>
<!-- The JavaScript -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(function() {
/* when reaching the element with id &quot;last&quot; we want to show the slidebox. Let&#39;s get the distance from the top to the element */
var distanceTop = $(&#39;#last&#39;).offset().top - $(window).height();

if ($(window).scrollTop() &gt; distanceTop)

/* remove the slidebox when clicking the cross */
$(&#39;#slidebox .close&#39;).bind(&#39;click&#39;,function(){

You Are Done!

How To: Share Files Between PC-To-PC With No Software

Easily share files between PC-to-PC, without any expensive software, programs etc. You can transfer files easily using just your browser. No need to sign up and or download anything. This guide is designed easily using P2P (peer-to-peer). Their are often countless numbers of services that use severs to transfer files over to the recipient, but lets cut the middle man and get files delivered fast and easily. With no complications and intermediate server slowing down the process, files can be sent PC-To-PC more efficiently and quickly.

Share Files Peer-to-Peer No Software So whats the best way to share files between you and your friends over miles. Files Over Miles is the site used to share files quickly over the internet P2P. Files Over Miles is available free of charge and is simple and easy to use, you also have control over who downloads your shared files, you get a unique generated url to send to family and or friends to share your downloads.

How To Use
1. Go to Files Over Miles.
2. Browse Files and Upload.
3. Send Unique Generated URL to Family and or Friends for Download.
4. Keep Your Browser Open "The file will continue to be available for download until this web page is closed." See Below Image

5. You can also create passwords for shared files, to inshore no one else downloads other then the intended recipient.
For more information visit Files Over Miles.

Check Your Antivirus Software

For beginners who want to know weather or not there antivirus software is currently working, and you have reason to believe your antivirus program isn't reliable and that you currently have a virus on your computer, you may want to test your antivirus software for further investigation. Some antivirus programmers use this method to help test their software, they even make their own viruses to see if they developed their software correctly. Checking your antivirus software can be easily done by creating a simple ".com" file.

Check if your antivirus program is working or not!
To start your own virus, follow the below steps.
1.Begin a new text document (open notepad)
2.Paste the below code into text document (notepad)
3. Save this file as EICAR.com "All Files"

Within a couple of seconds your antivirus software should pick up the virus, if it doesn't you may need to update and or find another antivirus program.

Source For Almost Every Hack!

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About Us

TheEmoLab - sponsored by IntenseNetwork

Welcome to TheEmoLab, a blog which started in the technology field in May 2010, Here we are committed to focusing on post covering How To Guides, Cool and Useful Websites, Computer Tips, Hacking, Mobile, Social Networking, and other fields of interest. Launched in May 14, 2010 by Melvin Corney, we still consider our self a developing site, growing and expanding each and every day. Earning respect and reputation by different authors and readers.Read More>>

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