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Find User Manuals To Anything

 find your user manual, user guide, instruction manual
If you are a straight to the books kind of person when it comes to setting something up, then your first thought should be to the manuals. But if your manuals are destroyed and or lost then you've have a serious problem, but that problem seize to exists thanks to the internet. With the internet you can find tons of free online manuals for just about everything you have in your home.    

Like I said with the internet you can find almost any manual online you just need to find a source (good directory.) One good source is UsersManualGuide, their you can find almost any user-guide for the appliances in your home.

Link | http://www.usersmanualguide.com/

Find Icons For Windows & Online Projects

Find Icons Online, Website to get images / icons, PNG's for your Projects.
There are numerous search engine queries happening as you read this article, some for Hacking, some for Facebook, and even some for Twitter. But I believe the results for image search engine queries are at an all time low. Maybe it's because of out of date images and or wrong titled. That's why their are sites like Icon Pedia but we've published an article about that site already. Today we will be discussing another popular icon site.

Icon Gallery
Icon Gallery is another cool icon gallery site that features various icons and images. You can find multiple types of icons in their directory.

Just simply use the site by using the search feature. (as seen in the above image)
Link | http://icongal.com/

Cool YouTube App Online - YooouuuTuuube

YouTube Application Kill Time Internet YooouuuTuuube Vimeo Cool Website
YouTube is one of the most poplar social media sites around nowadays. Their are numerous online apps made everyday just for YouTube along. (check out our latest YouTube project YouTube Thumbnail Generator)

At The Drive-In - Invalid Litter Dept.
One of the best things to do while on the internet to kill time is to listen to music. But after some time spent it begins to get boring you quickly loose interest, this is where sites like YooouuuTuuube come into place.

 YooouuuTuuube is a little unique app which receive about 3,000 - 4,000 visit a day (music lovers I'm guessing.) Music Lovers (video lovers etc.) can stream a video from YouTube or Vimeo to YooouuuTuuube to play their favorite music video especially if you're bored to kill time on the internet in flux (a flowing motion (very cool)) mode.

Site Features
  • Grid mode with flux.
  • YouTube & Vimeo supported.
  • Use your webcam as video.
  • Has mobile applications.
  • Having fun is what really matters!
How to Use...
Simply copy over a YouTube / Vimeo video url and paste it into the box or if you want to use a webcam then simply select "use camera" then "Allow" (as seen in the below image) And click the do this button. (located at the bottom of the page)

Link | http://yooouuutuuube.com/

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TheEmoLab - sponsored by IntenseNetwork

Welcome to TheEmoLab, a blog which started in the technology field in May 2010, Here we are committed to focusing on post covering How To Guides, Cool and Useful Websites, Computer Tips, Hacking, Mobile, Social Networking, and other fields of interest. Launched in May 14, 2010 by Melvin Corney, we still consider our self a developing site, growing and expanding each and every day. Earning respect and reputation by different authors and readers.Read More>>

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