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Facebook Desktop Application

At The Drive - In Napoleon
 I'm sure most people wished they can update their Facebook Status why not even touching their browser, well there an app for that, facebook desktop.
 Facebook Desktop is a awesome (rad) desktop application, which indeed decrease the all over time of being on facebook (if addiction is setting in), now you can multitask why at the same time getting updates from facebook. This app is good if you are one of those people who are constantly going on facebook to update or view updates, let updates come to you. Facebook Desktop is powered by Adobe Air, which is available for Mac and Windows. Before trying to install Facebook Desktop you must have Adobe Air installed 1.5, get Adobe Air. Once installed download FaceBook Desktop. For More Information Visit Facebook Desktop.

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Welcome to TheEmoLab, a blog which started in the technology field in May 2010, Here we are committed to focusing on post covering How To Guides, Cool and Useful Websites, Computer Tips, Hacking, Mobile, Social Networking, and other fields of interest. Launched in May 14, 2010 by Melvin Corney, we still consider our self a developing site, growing and expanding each and every day. Earning respect and reputation by different authors and readers.Read More>>

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