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Facebook Introdues Send Button

Facebook introduces 'send' button an alternate to 'like' button.

The Idea of 'Send' button.
We all love and like the 'like' button, but what if we just want, only family members or specific people to view what we like! Introducing 'send' button, the easiest way to privately share things with groups and individuals. Facebook alternative to 'like' button and it's answer to  the reciprocal 'email to a friend' button.

The Facebook 'send' button helps you easily share and send links and content privately to emails, mobile phones , and family and friends already on Facebook. The 'send' button also drives traffic to websites and blogs which has the 'send' button embed, when sent to the most interested user. For blog/website users its hassle free and easy to use, no need to fill out any information just sign in and it'll find addresses by auto-suggesting friends and groups. They designed the 'send' button to be cleanly position aside the like button, by including bot on your website, people we have tons of options to broadcast and send links to specific people.

How To Install!
The 'send' button can be easy added to existing 'like' button or as a standalone.

To install with existing 'like' button add the below code.

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script>
<fb:like href="example.com" show_faces="true" width="450" send="true">

To install as standalone button add the below code.

<div id="fb-root"></div>
<script src="http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script>
<fb:send href="example.com"></fb:send>

To learn more about installing this within blogger visit Spice Up Your Blog for more help, also for other blogging sites get your code via Facebook Developers.

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